23 July 2013

The Winner of my Giveaway for the Sake of Having a Giveaway - Take 2!

Sadly, the first chosen winner did not contact me within the 24 hour time frame.  Therefore, I have selected a new winner.  Congratulations to Rachel A!  She has been contacted and, hopefully, will respond within 24 hours to claim her prize.  Fingers crossed!

I'm Swatchin' You - China Glaze Re-fresh Mint

As you know, I used China Glaze's Re-fresh Mint as my Mint Mani in memory of Talia Joy Castellano on Friday.  However, I did not give any details on the polish out of respect for her memory.  So today, I'm just providing the details on my experience with this mint green creme.

The formula was great.  The first coat was a bit streaky, but the second coat provided solid coverage.  I stopped at two coats.  And I loved how easy this polish was to clean up.  With such a light creme, I was expecting to end up with that whitish film after cleaning up.  I was pleasantly surprised to find no residue at all.

As I said on Friday, I am not a big fan of mint greens...or any light green for that matter.  I bought this specifically to remember Talia Joy.  I just thought the name, Re-fresh Mint, was perfect for the Mint Mani memorial.  It was the first polish that came to mind.  Which led to another thought.  Wouldn't it be fantastic if China Glaze would change the name of this polish in her memory?  Or maybe they could even issue a special limited edition version of this where the proceeds can go to cancer research?  I'm thinking Talia's Joy would be a great name!  Hmmmmm......

SH Double Duty and SV as base and top.

22 July 2013

And the Winner of the Giveaway for the Sake of Having a Giveaway is...

Laura A!  Thank you to all who entered!  The big move is happening next week, so I will be crazy busy with that.  I will be trying to post as often as possible, so please bear with me.  Once I'm settled in, I will get back in full swing.  Hopefully, with a few more giveaways, too!

The winner has been e-mailed and has 24 hours to respond.  In the event she does not respond in time, I will chose another winner.  Thanks again for those who participated!  Talk to you soon!!!

19 July 2013

Mint Manis in Memory of Talia Joy Castellano

As you may have heard, the beauty world lost a beautiful and amazingly talented young girl on Tuesday morning.  Talia Joy Castellano lost her battle with neuroblastoma and preleukemia.  Her makeup and nail videos were enjoyed by millions on YouTube. She had also appeared on The Ellen DeGeneres Show.

Talia Joy's last Instagram pic was of a mint green mani.  In memory of her, many people have gotten together to honor her memory by sporting mint green manis today.  Bloggers have united with Nail Polish Wars to do so.

Now, I do not own any mint green nail polish.  I don't like mint or the color mint green.  However, I was so saddened by Talia Joy's passing, how could I not participate?  So I went out and bought mint green polish just for her.  And what is more appropriate than China Glaze's Re-fresh Mint?  Now, whenever I use or see this polish, I will remember dear Talia Joy.  Since this post is in memory of her, and to keep the focus on Talia Joy, I will do nothing more than show you my mani.

Rest in Peace, Talia Joy.

Bloggers unite to show their love, respect, and sympathy for Talia Joy and her family

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

18 July 2013

I'm Swatchin' You - Zoya Stevie

You know what I'm going to say...head over to my giveaway.  Time is running out!  For today, I'm showing you Stevie by Zoya, a light purple textured matte with metallic glitter.  This is from their 2013 Pixie Dust collection.

The formula on this was amazing!  It was easy to apply with even coverage.  It builds beautifully and quickly.  Due to it's matte finish, it dries very quickly.  I have to say, this was just as pretty as a one coat sheer.  But I loved how it built up, so I did three coats, which is what is pictured.  The glitter does kind of hang off the nail a bit, making the edges of the nails feel rough.  You can probably kind of see this in the photo above.  But it smooths out with a bit of wear after a couple of hours.  Love this one!  Which are your favorite colors from this collection?

SH Double Duty as a base with no topcoat.

17 July 2013

I'm Swatchin' You - Sinful Colors Snow Me White

Hi all!  Once again, don't forget to get in on my giveaway!  Today, I'm swatching Sinful Colors Snow Me White, a white creme. 

The first coat was a bit streaky, but that's to be expected with a pigmented creme.  The second coat provided good, solid coverage.  I ended up leaving this at two coats.  The formula was great.  And this is a great white for stamping...another plus!  I thought clean up would be much more difficult than it was.  All in all, a great polish that should be a staple in any stash.  My only complaint?  It doesn't play well with SV.  You may be able to tell in the photos that it puckered a bit after I topped it with SV.  Bummer.

SH Double Duty and SV as base and top.

16 July 2013

3 Colors Nail Art Brush Review - Born Pretty Store

Hello and happy Tuesday!  First of all, be sure to get your entries in for my giveaway!  It ends next week.  As for today, I'm reviewing a product from Born Pretty Store.  This is their 3 Colors Nail Art Brush set. 

The set includes a fine detail brush (red), medium liner (green), and a long striper brush (blue).  They are also numbered 1, 2, and 3, respectively.

Other than the fact that they look like pens, the brushes are of decent quality.  I don't know that they will necessarily last, but they're great for someone just starting out with liner brushes (like yours truly).  And at $2.57, they are definitely a deal.  And if you hit the Born Pretty Store banner in my sidebar, you can use the code there (GMG10) for a 10% discount!  I like that they come with protectors over the bristles.  Makes storage much safer.  I did play around some with all three brushes, experimenting to get an idea of how they work.

The brushes loaded well (I do have experience with painting...just not with nail polish, as some of my epic failure manis have proven).  I did find that the brushes stained fairly easily with highly pigmented colors, but this didn't affect their performance.  Then, I decided to try my hand at a mani.  So...I bring you my Purple Pixie Stripes mani.

I started with Zoya Stevie for the main color.  My accent nail is a base of ChG Sweet Hook.  Then I used the fine detail brush (the easiest brush to work with for a beginner like me) to add three stripes using SH CSM in Bewitched.  I topped my accent nail with a coat of SV.  Not too terrible for a first attempt at striping with liner brushes, is it?

Anyway, get in on the giveaway, and I'll talk to you tomorrow!

This product was sent for review.

15 July 2013

Zoya Giveaway for the Sake of Having a Giveaway!

I know it's taken some time for me to get this going.  Thanks for bearing with me.  Life is absolutely crazy, and for added fun, I'm in the process of moving halfway across the country!  Eek!  I really appreciate all of you hanging with me and hopefully, I'll get more good stuff going soon.  This move and everything else is just demanding a ton of time.  But enough babbling.  On to the good stuff!

I have 5 pretty, pretty Zoyas up for grabs (including one of my all time favs).  Check them out!!!

L to R:  Nimue, Anja, Yara, Cynthia, and Tao
Due to limited funds and the impending move, this is open to only U.S. residents.  I'll try to get something up to include everyone again sometime after getting settled.  Sorry!

Please note that you MUST be a public follower of my blog.  You will be asked to provide your GFC follower name or, if you follow by some other means, a link to your user profile.

All entrants must also provide an e-mail address.  I absolutely will NOT share your e-mail address.  This is just so that I may contact you if you win.  Also be sure that if you choose to gain extra entries through sharing the giveaway on Facebook, the share must be public so that I can see it.

The giveaway closes on 22 July, and I will announce the winner on my blog and contact them via e-mail.  The winner will have 24 hours to reply or another winner will be selected.  All prizes are brand new and were purchased by me.  Good luck!!!  Oh...and my fav in this group?  YARA!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

28 June 2013

12 Colors Rhinestones Kit Review - Born Pretty Store

Happy Friday!  Despite my ravaged cuticles (due to neglect thanks to crazy, busy life stuff), I had a lot of fun doing this mani to review a product from Born Pretty Store.  First, the product.  This is their 12 Colors Rhinestone Acrylic UV Nail Art Kit W/Box & Pen.
There are two 12-compartment boxes filled with rhinestones and a rhinestone picking tool (fancy term for wax pencil).

One box contains 6 compartments of black rhinestones, and 6 compartments of crystal/clear rhinestones.

The other box is an assortment of colors.  There is crystal/clear, red, aqua, black, yellow/green, lavender, blue, green, orange, pink, light blue, purple. 

The wax pencil is something you could probably get from a craft store.  But since it came with the kit, bonus!

I really love the assortment of colors.  I do wish that the compartments in the assorted box did not contain more black and crystal/clear rhinestones since you get a whole box of just those.  I would have liked to have seen two other colors included instead.  Overall, the assortment and number of total rhinestones included is excellent.  It is really a deal, priced at $7.59.  And you can use coupon code GMG10 to get 10% off (you can always find this in my sidebar...check it out!).

The rhinestones are great quality.  And can I say how much I love the boxes!  Each compartment is numbered.  They are great storage boxes that can be re-used.  Love that!  And I must say, the wax pencil/picker tool made easy work of picking up and placing the rhinestones.  So...on to the mani!

First, a quick explanation.  Waaaayyyy back when I was in junior high and high school, I used to love playing around with nail polish.  Believe it or not, this was not a very popular practice back then (yes, it was THAT long ago).  My favorite go-to mani was to paint my nails to look like dice.  No tools, just good old-fashioned patience with bottles of white and black polish.  I would occasionally even paint my pinky as a red die (the advent of the accent nail???).  Someday, I will go through my old box of pictures from that time to see if I can find one that shows my nails.  But for now, you'll just have to take my word for it.

Anyway, when I saw that box half-filled with black rhinestones, I decided to go way back in time to recreate the look using rhinestones.  First of all, SO much easier than using polish.  Wish I had these...er, um, cough, cough, hack...*mumble* years ago.

I started out with a base of SH Double Duty, and added two coats of SC Snow Me White.  Then, using a little dollop of SV, I used the picker tool to pick up and place the black rhinestones.  I finished with a coat of SV and BAM...I was transported back in time.  Like I said, ignore the cuticles.  Sorry about that.  Truly trying to get my rear in gear.

This product was sent for review.

26 June 2013

These Are a Few of My Favorite...Swatches Part 2!

Coming soon...a review and a giveaway!  Woohoo!  And for today...

Revlon Not So Blueberry
Revlon Royal
SH Wined Up
SC Glass Pink
Spoiled I Don't Drink Cheap Wine
Spoiled Shrimp on the Barbie
WnW 414

Do you think it's a coincidence that two of these names include wine?  Neither do I.

24 June 2013

These Are a Few of My Favorite...Manis!

Wow...when life happens, it really happens!  With so much going on, my brain has gone into shut-down mode from information overload.  So, in an attempt to find some inspiration to help me get back on track, I thought I would go through and re-visit some of my favorite past manis.  I've added links that will take you to the original posts, if you are interested in the colors used, techniques, etc.

I also wanted to let you know to stay tuned!  A follower appreciation giveaway will be coming soon.  And later this week, I'll be posting my first review for Born Pretty Store.  In the meantime, if you are looking to pick up some items from them, use the coupon code in my sidebar to score 10% off!

On to the manis!

Angelic Silver Flowers

National Day of Silence
Mermaid's Tale
Oz-olutely Fabulous
Raging Olive Squared
Raindrops Keep Falling on my Nails
Scribble My Heart
Ski Teal We Tip
St. Patrick's Day
Stars and Stripes
Strawberry Top
Wicked Sponge